Squid Game: The Student Review
“Squid Game” has taken not only Allen High School, but the entire world, by storm. Seeing as it has just recently moved down to second in the United States’ top charts after being first for 24 days on Netflix, it is no surprise that teenagers all over Allen have been talking about the show.
“I think the show would be a 10/10, but realistically speaking I would give it a 9/10,” junior Yuna Park said.
Park said the ending and the gore depicted made the show fall shy of a full 10 but there were still many positive aspects such as the way the characters were written.
“I like how the writers made all of the characters not like the typical ‘oh, I’m the main character, so I’m the good guy’, Park said. “The main character is actually a very bad person. He is a really good example of how people these days are greedy for money, so it shows a realistic version of a main character rather than the stereotypical trope.”
Not only that, but Park also said she believes that the producers made good casting decisions when choosing actors with a wide range of experience and including a non-Korean character.
“I think the casting was great,” Park said. “Many of the actors are really experienced actors and I heard the director tried to include a diverse cast. Diverse as in different years in acting experience as well as from different fields, like one of the main characters is a model and one actor is not Korean.”
Besides the characters, senior William Tran said he enjoyed the game concepts and the way they were introduced.
“The games, I thought, were pretty well thought out. It didn’t keep me like ‘oh, I know what it’s going to be; it’s going to be tag next.’ It wasn’t [so] straightforward that you knew what was going to happen, but it was still understandable,” Tran said.
Tran felt that this, in addition to the writers’ realistic portrayal of the characters in these high stress situations rather than sugar coated versions of how viewers expect characters to act, made the show as a whole more enjoyable. While Tran recommends the show to others, Park believes that some caution should be exercised before viewing.
“From the start, I mean just by watching the trailer, you know it’s a violent and gruesome show,” Park said. “I would recommend the trailer to people before telling them to watch just so they know what they’re getting into.”
The show, while it has faults, has built a large fanbase and continues to interest students.
“If someone hasn’t gotten into a show just because of a language barrier, I feel like it’s a good show to get into because it’s really interesting and really high-paced,” Tran said.

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