Pitching Into a New Season

With a new year starting, Allen High School’s baseball team is hitting close to its fresh season. With two new coaches, and one returning coach, Allen is said to “be in good hands” this year.
Varsity, which contains roughly 30 players, is split up between three coaches. Coach Jason Wilson, who is the latest Allen head coach; coach Jonathan Roan, the new hitting coach; and coach Adam Gumph, the pitching coach.
“They’re good coaches; I believe that we are in good hands this year, and for the future of Allen,” senior Gehrig Vogul said.
Wilson recently transferred from coaching Lovejoy baseball to Allen baseball, making it his first year as an Allen head coach.
“To be honest, I’ve always thought Allen was the premier or one of the premier baseball jobs in the metroplex, so even when I first started coaching I’ve always had my eye on Allen as a potential landing or stopping point for me eventually,” Wilson said.
Roan is also having his debut as an Allen hitting coach this year, coming from eight years of coaching Highland Park baseball in Dallas.
“I am so excited to coach a new team, I’ve been in Highland Park for eight years and I’m looking forward to the challenge, and the differences that will come along this journey,” Roan said.
Currently, the teams are still being set up. New and returning players get tested on skill, speedand strength.
“Last year we had three returning starters, and no one thought we were going to be any good since our season was cut down due to COVID, yet we swept Prosper, beat Rockwall Heath who then won state, and this year we all have experience needed so we are totally going to come out better,” senior Ben Greer said.
All three coaches believe that Allen has what it takes to accomplish the goal: win the district championship, and get to state.
“Well like any year, the goal is to win state, last year we had quite a few injuries, but we were still able to finish second in the district,” Coach Gumph said.
The team’s first official game will be held in February.
“Please be at the games, we’re going to put on a show this year,” Greer said.