The Junior World Affairs Council, established last year by former student Feimi Zeng now lead by senior President Nick Seid, teaches students about things happening outside of not only the community but outside of the nation. The council provides involved students with awareness about current and past events happening all over the world. The Junior World Affairs Council also offers students opportunities outside of regular classes. Allowing students involved to take part in competitions, Going in-depth into topics beneficial after high school and to their future careers; topics range from medical teachings to political awareness.
“I’ve always been interested in current affairs,” senior Zahra Ahmed said. “I think a lot of our members kind of have that inclination toward learning about politics and current affairs, but it’s kind of hard to just sit there and watch the news, and so with this club it’s really easy to get into [politics] and get involved.”
Students in JWAC participate in competitions such as Worldquest and Model UN. Challenging their knowledge and memorization abilities to compete in these competitions. Topics include current events, Global Economic realignment, and economic issues. Students involved are divided into teams for the Model UN and Worldquest competitions, challenging schools from all around North Texas. Most recently JWAC students participated in the Academic Worldquest competition held at University of Texas at Arlington on Feb. 27 finishing the competition in 15th place out of 93 other competitors.
“You get to learn about things that aren’t in your textbook,” junior Sofia Sarhiri said. “You get to learn about all the things around the world from their perspective, rather than whatever you watch on the news that’s kind of biased.”
According to the World Affairs Council of Dallas-Fort Worth’s website, the ultimate purpose of JWAC is to help students acquire excessive knowledge as well as information to keep young adults informed about current events. The Junior World Affairs Council provides a plentiful amount of scholarship opportunities for those who are actively involved and those who place at competitions; those include the Globe Aware’s Youth Scholarship Fund and National Peace Essay Contest.
“You get to learn about things with an open mind, and it’s exciting because you get to learn about things you never would’ve expected,” Sarhiri said.
Madison Reynolds is a senior who enjoys FaceTime, traveling and designing.