Bridget Nadarajah
Jack Dougless donating blood at the Allen High School blood drive on October 23, 2024.
Allen High School has been brought together by the Red Cross Eagles to donate blood to people who need it internationally. Students had the opportunity to volunteer or donate on Oct. 23, 2024.
Blood drives serve an important role for many communities by helping others on a national scale. Patients undergoing surgery, treatment for cancer, or patients that are battling chronic illnesses rely on blood donations for lifesaving care. Every 2 seconds, American citizens are in need of blood due to illness, according to the American Red Cross.
Allen citizens have been shown to make a community-wide difference with the blood they have donated throughout the years.
“When you leave for dismissal, you see trucks carrying loads of blood,” Vice President of Red Cross Eagles Sayhan Ahyan Rahman said. “Those go to people who really need it in places such as Africa.”
For 51 years, Allen High School has made a significant impact when it comes to this opportunity to donate to those in need.
“I would say around fifteen to twenty people would donate but in terms of volunteers, we would definitely have over twenty people volunteering,” Rahman said.
Students have also expressed that they have felt the impact themselves by giving blood.
“[Donating blood] made me feel like I was helping people and made me feel generous, giving and useful,” junior Mukenia Njuguna said.
Some of the students have volunteered to be more involved in the community.
“[I volunteered because] I want to be more involved with Red Cross and I want to help out,” junior Kaitlyn Egharevba said.
The Red Cross was the first to start blood drives in 1940 and have continued throughout the years. Because students are less likely to have illnesses that make them ineligible to donate, Red Cross’ mission quickly spread to high school and college campuses, according to The History of Blood Drives.
Red Cross Eagles has benefits on its own, regarding college applications and preparing for future careers.
“Benefits of being in Red Cross Eagles [include] one CPR certification [and] two FAST (First Aid for Severe Trauma) certification(s),” Rahman said. “[Also, other benefits include] staying calm in emergency situations, knowing what to do in disastrous relief and preparing yourself for the healthcare profession.”
People who want to donate on Jan. 23 can sign up on X2VOL to earn 20 Minga points. The deadline for signing up for the Red Cross Eagles has already passed. However, applications are open again at the beginning of next year and close in late October.