
In the movie “Interstellar,” with characters Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), his daughter Murphy (named after Murphey’s Law), Dr. Brand (Anne Hathaway), Dr. Mann (Matt Damon) and so many others, a conflict arises when earth has too much nitrogen in its atmosphere and farmers are having to plant corn to keep a production of food growing.

The Earth is dying, and the human race is a few generations from extinction. Cooper and his daughter discover the secret location of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration with the help of a mysterious ghost. At NASA, the physicists have built a large ship planned for launch in order to find a new planet for better life. Although Cooper is a corn farmer, he was formally an engineer … and a pilot, and he is chosen to fly the ship. He agrees to it despite his daughter’s insisting he stay.

So with Cooper, Dr. Brand and the crew, they launch up into space to travel through a wormhole in hopes of finding a new home for mankind. Cooper launches off, holding dear to his heart his promise to his daughter to return. But, along the way the truth is unveiled, and they discover the deceit that has tricked them into taking this mission, and realize what little hope there is for their return, and for mankind’s survival as a whole.

Much like the movie “Gravity,” starring Julia Roberts and George Clooney, this movie entails the survival of the fittest and the intensities of battling the universe and battling oneself. It is the gravity of the characters’ love for one another that will pull them close no matter how many universes away they are.

This movie was captivating, thrilling, armrest-clenching and heart wrenching. A fabrication of lies, love and life twist into a knotted plot as the characters wrestle between faith vs. fact, and the past, present and future that depend on their ability to trust and love each other and find hope.

Full of magical realism, this movie interweaves physics and love, fantasy and reality, the beauty of nature as it reveals its secrets, and the hand we all play in determining history.