Texas awarded Mrs. Richardson with the Secondary Teacher of the year award, out of the 500 that were nominated from across the state. Then that list was narrowed down to ten, then to the final nominee and Mrs. Richardson was contacted.
“I was shocked,” Mrs. Richardson said. “I didn’t believe it. Even the moment I went up on stage to give my acceptance speech, I was like, ‘is this real?’ It’s a moment I’ll never forget.”
Sitting in one of the cabinets in her patriotic room, is a huge M&M tin that she keeps 350 pennies in that she has collected since she started teaching.
“I started a collection of pennies [to illustrate] my personal philosophy to never overlook or underestimate another person,” said Richardson. “Especially a child.”
Mrs. Smith, the President of Allen PTAs, describes how Mrs. Richardson stood out among the hundreds of applicants.
“[Mrs. Richardson] doesn’t just go out and teach history,” Smith said. “She has them create a facebook page – act like you’re Abe lincoln. It was definitely her unique style of teaching that caught [the PTA’s] eye.”
Richardson has taught for 21 years, 10 of those in Allen. In those years, she has constantly encouraged her students to be the best they can be, not leaving a student or a penny behind.
“I have a personal motto that I live by and communicate to my students often,” said Richardson. “That [motto] is fight fiercely, to always try hard and do your best to never give up.”
Richardson said she also has advice for teachers, an extension of her pennies.
“Never miss the opportunity to encourage another person” said Richardson. “Do your best to not let a student fall through the cracks. Pay attention to the kids that want to learn and [don’t] ignore the kids that don’t want to.”
She said she has a message for those who selected her for the award.
“Thank you parents and teachers, including the inspirational PTSA,” Richardson said. “Thank you for picking up pennies. Thank you for picking up this penny.”

Boys is a senior and plans to either be an actress or the bridge between marine biologists and newspapers, helping new findings become easier to understand...