Review: ‘The Perfect Guy’

This weekend, I went with my mother to go see “The Perfect Guy,” starring Michael Ealy and Sanaa Lathan. Considering that the movie is rated PG-13, I went in expecting minimal awkwardness. Unfortunately, that’s not what I got. On the other hand, this film exhibits the harsh realities of what relationships can turn into if you do not take the time to really get to know the people you surround yourself with.
In “The Perfect Guy”, a successful lobbyist named Leah Vaughn (Sanaa Lathan) breaks it off with her boyfriend of two years as a result of their differentiating interests in life. Soon after, she meets a charming man by the name of Carter Duncan (Michael Ealy) whom she promptly develops a relationship with. Duncan soon begins to show signs of abnormal jealousy and aggressiveness.
Like any intelligent person would, Vaughn decides to end the relationship. Carter wastes no time before he begins stalking the protagonist. Eventually, Carter Duncan becomes so violent that the police end up having to get involved and a lot more is revealed about him than Leah Vaughn could have ever imagined. This is one thriller that had me doing a lot more thinking that jumping up in my seat.
Overall, the actors in this movie did an incredible job of relaying to us the imperfections of people and dating. We all hear about the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, whether it be in school or from our parents. Unfortunately, not everyone takes these conversations very seriously because they think these kinds of things can’t or won’t happen to them. On the contrary, they can.
In this case, it happened to an incredibly smart, independent woman which, ironically, is exactly the kind of person that many people deem untouchable. Too many of us have this idea in our heads that, once someone reaches a certain level of success or independence in their lives, they can not be harmed by anyone but themselves. In reality, no one will ever be completely invisible or immune to anything. Always be aware of who you are investing your time in.
Lastly, as I mentioned before, I watched this movie with my mom who is just barely warming up to the fact that I am getting older and — at least slightly — more mature. That said, there were a few scenes in this movie that I would rather have seen by myself. Or with anyone other than my mother for that matter. So, I give “The Perfect Guy” an A+ and I would definitely recommend you go see it… with your friends.

Danielle Guzman is a staffer who is all about fashion and entertainment. She plans on attending FIDM in Los Angeles California to study visual communications...