Students show football pride with flags
This year, seniors Jordy Warren and Peyton Robertson decided to continue Allen’s team spirit tradition by creating two new flags to show their support. Every year it has been a kind of unwritten law for seniors of each graduating class to make a flag backing their Allen High School football team.
“[The flags] symbolize support for all the football players,” Warren said.
Not only that, but the girls said they feel that the flags also signify a desire to show as much appreciation as possible toward the boys that represent Allen High School so well. School spirit, however, can mean something different to everyone who sees it.
“I think, in a way (the flags) make (the football players) feel like we have their backs and that they can count on us to stay loud,” Warren said. “I think it makes them love us a little more.”
Each year, just a few people pitch in to make the flags in support of the boys in blue. However, according to Warren, school spirit like this speaks for more than just those who make the flags.
“To me,(the flags) mean tradition,” DJ Johnson said. “When I was an underclassman, I used to want to be in the front row so bad and, finally, I am able to.”
With 5,987 students currently enrolled (if including Lowery Freshman Center), Allen High School is the largest secondary school in Texas. Friday night football games, however, bring in at least triple that amount of fans every home game.
According to Warren, “With our flags, we aren’t just fans. We’re one big Allen family that will do anything for our football team.”
Robertson and Warren continue to go to the football games every Friday night and the new flags are always with them in the stands so, stop by and join in on the team spirit, before it’s too late.

Danielle Guzman is a staffer who is all about fashion and entertainment. She plans on attending FIDM in Los Angeles California to study visual communications...