Review: ‘Tuff Juice’
From Rock Bottom to the Very Top: The Story of Caron Butler

The success that all athletes and celebrities achieve isn’t easy to reach, and for some, it’s a lot more difficult than it needs to be. The story of Caron Butler that is told in his new autobiography, “Tuff Juice,” displays a prime example of someone whose path to fame was much more difficult than some of the other people who have reached his level in success.
Caron Butler grew up in the heart of the south, Mississippi, but eventually moved up north to Racine, Wisconsin, to live with his family and supposedly have better living conditions. However, as he grew up surrounded by the streets, being involved with drugs was something that young Butler couldn’t avoid.
Although Butler’s past with drugs created massive amounts of problems for his normal life, he became a changed man after facing charges and decided that his heart was set on basketball. It wasn’t easy, but basketball was what helped Butler stay off of the streets, and he was gradually becoming a better player as well.
After a strenuous journey of 18 years of life, Caron made it to college and was going to school to play basketball. This chance wasn’t even considered an oppurtunity to him back when he was younger, but his life was changing for the better. After a successful college career, he was drafted by the Miami Heat and was able to play in the NBA, a dream that almost every boy has at one point in his life, and continued with success throughout his career in the professional league as well.
Caron’s life story is truly an inspiration to anyone who feels as if there isn’t a point of making a change in life or if they feel like they’ve hit rock bottom. It shows that no matter where you are in life, you can always make it better, and everyone has a chance to chase their dreams. It just takes determination.
The fact that Caron Butler, a well-known NBA player, was once a kid who ventured into the world of drugs and jail-time is what makes this story such an amazing piece of literature. It’s a story that every kid, teen or adult needs to hear at least once in their life. It shows that their is hope and when life gives you another chance then make that chance worthwhile. For this reason, I rate this book a 9.5/10 just because the story has such a deeper meaning that almost everyone can relate to. The book is aimed toward people who know sports, so I think the meaning becomes more prominent if you follow the NBA, but anyone could read the book and still understand and reach that deeper meaning.
The only thing that wasn’t so stellar in this book was the pace that the story was told. I feel like the book doesn’t focus on Butler’s professional career enough in the story. It’s very brief and bland, so if that was improved it would’ve made the book perfect. Otherwise, the book is a great quick read for anyone looking to learn more about the journey of someone who knows the struggle that life presents everyone with at sometime, or for anyone looking to be inspired.

Senior Tate Peterson likes photography but will not identify as a photographer, likes fashion and loves his Spotify playlists. He plans on going to school...