Review: ‘Morgan’
For the most part, if you turn on a sci-fi movie I will go into a trance for the duration of the film and walk out of the room feeling certain that I just witnessed greatness. “Morgan,” however, left my questions unanswered and my head hurting. I may be no expert in the field of artificial intelligence, but I do know one thing: this movie was a letdown.
Morgan, played by “The Witch” actress Anya Taylor-Joy, is an artificial mind created by a group of scientists five years prior to the the present time. The group of hopeful scientists will defend Morgan regardless of “its” actions. When Morgan begins to show signs of erratic and unpredictable behavior, a risk management consultant named Lee Weathers, played by renowned actress Kate Mara, enters the lives of the Morgan and “its” creators, the fate of the experiment is left to chance: can Morgan control itself?
This movie is meant to make the viewer consider the idea of artificial intelligence and the pros and cons that are inevitable to follow. The problem is, the beginning of the movie failed to give enough information about why Morgan was created to begin with. Scientists never explain in understandable rhetoric why their team invested so much time and money into man-made DNA; they only touch on a corporation that has supported them and their efforts financially through the years.
Even though we have seen Kate Mara perform better roles in her career, her character Lee is the only one that kept my eyes open. She is a strong, female force to be reckoned with who empowers women in a familiar way. Lee uses her extensive training and unnatural abilities to carry the storyline, much like other characters Kate Mara has portrayed, such as Sue Storm in “Fantastic Four” or Summer Jones in “Zoom.”
This sci-fi/horror thriller is not scary at all. Even though there is a lot of of suspense, a little gore and maybe three jump scares, I would not say this movie kept me up at night. I do not, however, recommend bringing young children along for the ride; there is quite a bit of blood.
I would have given “Morgan” a higher rating if the storyline had been more clear. Films like “The Matrix” or “AI” that feature artificial intelligence leave us with questions that can be answered; “Morgan” poses questions that even the writers most likely still cannot answer. I give “Morgan” a C and recommend choosing another movie to get your sci-fi fix.

Senior Coleman Pyeatt loves seeing the world, eating Thai food and watching Seinfeld. He plans to study journalism and fashion at Fordham University in...