An Experimental Vibe
James Gorczyca on fame, art and making music for Adult Swim.

James Gorczyca is a simple man of music, painting and film. His carefree, laid-back attitude differs from the common theme of stressed-out teens trying to meet deadlines in high school. Although he is only a junior, it seems Gorczyca has it all figured out. He has found his true self, unlike most of his peers who may not even know what they want to pursue yet.
“I am extremely passionate about art,” Gorczyca said. “My whole life revolves around it.”
When Gorczyca first discovered experimental music, he had already begun producing his own works of film but had not yet dove into the depths of making his own music. Being an extremely passionate and creative individual, he searched for an outlet into the music world so he could further express himself.
“Once I found the good stuff, it became like a drug almost,” Gorczyca said. “I started working with experimental music on my big ol’ monster computer with a program called Fruity Loops (FL studio) like 10-40 hours a week.”
A year later, Sam Hyde from Adult Swim, a program on Cartoon Network, sent out an ad asking aspiring artists to send him music. Gorczyca, determined and eager, took advantage of this opportunity and immediately gained Hyde’s interest. Hyde then started using Gorczyca’s music in a web series and then eventually on Adult Swim.
“I guess I just have a knack for music,” Gorczyca said. “I’ve never even learned how to play an instrument; I just usually play it by ear.”
Although he is mostly known for his work with Hyde in the Adult Swim networking program, Gorczyca is predominantly focusing on his independent projects under Morning Hour Records. His current independent work includes collaborating with rappers in Minneapolis in order to bring more variety into his music.
“I don’t want my music to be labeled,” Gorczyca said. “I just want to be able to express myself and make music simply because I love art.”
Many artists similar to Gorczyca create music as a way to express themselves, versus producing work to gain money or fame. This optimistic outlook has benefitted these artists and motivated them to succeed.“The underground world of music is like a warzone of creativity,” Gorczyca said. “Everyone has something to contribute and there are so many different types of music in the experimental genre. It’s just an amazing thing to be a part of.”
Gorczyca and others like himself possess a passionate and existentialist attitude toward music. Gorczyca’s music comes in a multitude of varieties and appeals to all sorts of audiences.
“I’d say my music is very different. I have slower songs and fast-paced songs,” Gorczyca said. “I guess it just depends on how I feel that day.”
As for the future, Gorczyca hopes to pursue music production under Adult Swim; however, if that is not in the cards for him, he plans to just live a simple life.
“I would love to just escape into a forest in Portland,” Gorczyca said. “I don’t need much — just a small house and the ability to make art for the rest of my life, you know, hippie stuff.”

Senior Astrid Souto loves soccer, raw cookie dough and the Vampire Diaries. She plans to study Journalism and play soccer at Texas Christian University...