Humans of Allen: James Hubbard
“In ninth grade I took a Principles of Audio and Video class and I just continued on to Advanced Filmmaking, which I’m in right now. We make a lot of short films, and we do a couple contests. In class we do short films based on certain techniques. Currently we’re doing a project where we have to animate a split screen so there are two things going on at once. My favorite short film we made was one where we were told to make a horror movie, and ours was really bad. There’s a tree that was labeled ‘Leslie’ so we just took the tree and we had the tree kill people. We moved it through the frame by tying a rope around it and pulling it. It was really bad, but pretty funny. We called it ‘The Leslie Files: Uprooted’.”

Senior Christian Hinton likes Twitter, comics and outer space. He plans to be the first person of Mars, but if that doesn't work out, he'll settle for...