Humans of Allen: Savana Reyes
“Know when to shut your mouth – that is the key to growing up. I remember one time when I was hanging out with my older sister and her friends. One of her friend’s dad happened to have just passed away and I was about to make a joke about somebody dying in a movie we were watching. My younger self would have blurted out the joke without hesitation, then realized right after what I had done. Growing up makes you stop and think about what you are saying, or at least it should. People are sensitive to things, that’s just the way we are. So it is so important, especially as you grow up, to step back and think instead of speak. First impressions are important and if you blurt out exactly what you’re thinking, people may be rubbed the wrong way.”

Senior Coleman Pyeatt loves seeing the world, eating Thai food and watching Seinfeld. He plans to study journalism and fashion at Fordham University in...