Humans of Allen: Christian Fisher

“I’ve always been into drawing. I started out when I was 6, drawing just whenever I wanted. It was just dinosaurs and stuff, and it wasn’t very good. I started drawing superheroes for my best friends and it kind of grew from there. As I started drawing more stuff, I got better and better, because the best way to improve is to draw all the time. Even if your drawings are horrible, you just gotta keep drawing. One job I’ve realized I could do is storyboarding, which is drawing a comic-book-like layout of what is going to happen from one big event to the next, or I’d like to be a comic illustrator.”

Senior Christian Hinton likes Twitter, comics and outer space. He plans to be the first person of Mars, but if that doesn't work out, he'll settle for...
Kirsten Memory • Feb 16, 2017 at 2:26 pm
i love to eat and sleep, school is a barrier in my hobbies of sleeping and eating but i still come. I am a cheerleader for allen and even though it takes a lot of time away from eating and sleeping, i love being able to cheer on our allen eagles and represent the school. even though i would always prefer to be at home and sleep, i have realized that there are other more important things in life. allen eagles fight fight fight