Briefly speaking — week of 3/27
The United Kingdom formally began its withdrawal from the European Union on Wednesday. The two-year process comes with multiple obstacles, including future trade deals between the United Kingdom and the EU and the possibility of another Scottish referendum for independence where the majority voted to stay in the EU.
On Tuesday the Icelandic government introduced a bill which would require employers to prove they pay men and women the same wages. It’s also reported the bill has enough support to pass, and Iceland says it plans to get rid of the wage gap in the next five years.
A government program promised students they would repay their student loans if they worked a public service job for at least 10 years; however, the Education Department is now saying the over 550,000 people who signed up for the program shouldn’t rely on it for debt forgiveness. The admission raises concerns just as the program’s first recipients finish their 10-year commitment.
President Donald Trump plans to sign two executive orders on Friday that will focus on stricter trade laws. The first will be a 90-day study on trade practices that contribute to the US trade deficit, and the second will aim to increase duties for foreign companies. Though the orders won’t have a direct impact, they are expected to lead to stronger measures toward trade.
Allen Community Outreach is asking for donations of gently used evening gowns and suits and donations for hair styling, manicures and pedicures for Prom on April 22. A receipt for the dresses and suits will be given by ACO on request. For more information contact Charlotte Samuel at 972-727-0400 or the College and Career Center.
April 2-8 is National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. The Allen Public Library and Collin County Crime Victims’ Council will show the movie “Audrie & Daisy” about drug-induced sexual assault on April 5 at 9:30 a.m. at the library.

Senior Divya Jagadeesh likes patterned socks, The Lumineers' album "Cleopatra" and almost any kind of podcast. She plans to study English and be at the...