Review: Blade Runner 2049

“Blade Runner 2049” is a movie that ran a little too long. Two hours and 43 minutes too long.
Thirty-five years ago, Harrison Ford starred in the movie “Blade Runner,” set in the future of 2019, where flying cars and holograms are the new norm. In this dimension, humans created robotic humans called replicants that are used as slave labor but look exactly like a normal person.The only difference is one can feel emotion, the other cannot. Like any other sci-fi movie, the invention soon gains control over itself, and replicants are hunted by police called Blade Runners.
Ryan Gosling stars as Officer K., who hunts down rogue replicants. However, there’s a slight problem: in this movie the replicants can reproduce. On top of that, Replicants now have the ability to feel emotions, which makes the audience ask the real question, is the human race the bad guy in this future realm?
The first thing you notice is the sound. The classic synth music, also used in the original movie, envelops you and makes your whole body tense up. The visuals and the color of the movie have a very abstract way of captivating the audience’s eyes. It made you feel like you were right there, staring into Ryan Gosling’s dreamy eyes. Sigh, perfection.
Of course in every sequel, there are mistakes, and sometimes they outweigh the good. “Blade Runner 2049” does have an interesting plot, but the transitions lead to you to believe you are watching a much darker “Star Wars” — complete with more nudity. Terrifying. On top of that, it was very graphic, but if people love seeing blood out of place, then this movie will top the charts. The movie rightfully earned its “R” rating with the harsh language and nakedness that takes place.
Overall, this movie deserves a C-plus. Even if it did have an interesting storyline and fascinating visuals, the fluids and the starkness distract from its better aspects and make a person leave the movie theater with new scarring images. Some things were meant to stay in the 80s, and “Blade Runner 2049” is one of them.

Junior Caroline Tucker dances in the mirror, survives off of caffeine and shamelessly loves Marvel. She plans on going to Vanderbilt University to learn...