How do we, as students, feel about going back to school? How do we feel about school events and sports activities? There are so many questions about what the student body is thinking when it comes to going back to school. Help us find answers in this short survey.
Kelly Scott • Sep 12, 2020 at 12:44 pm
Firstly, I’m very glad that this survey was made. I understand that a lot of the choices made by the district were influenced by the state government and the politicization of the pandemic. However, there are many times where our safety measures are not properly enforced. It’s very hard to do that all the time with such a large student body, but more effort can be taken within individual classes. My teachers are very good about following preventative measures to the best of their ability. However, I’ve heard from many of my peers that some of their teachers do not. The lack of effort to maintain protocol gives off the impression to the students that this pandemic is not a legitimate crisis. This is the most dangerous thing a teacher can do during this time, and it’s their responsibility to promote the safety of our students.